Friday, July 30, 2010

Keep Your Health From Transmitting Infection

Infectious diseases that are dangerous to health can be passed from one person to another by simple actions as turning on a tap or picking up the telephone. It has been reported by health officials that a person with a bad cold who blew his nose and turned on a tap could leave more than 1,000 viruses on the handle. Many of these can be dangerous to the health of the next person who could possibly be infected when he touches the tap, especially if that one then touches his mouth, nose, or eyes. Tests involving a bacterium and a virus showed that telephone receivers passed on 39 percent of the bacteria and 66 percent of the viruses, while taps passed 28 percent and 34 percent. Touching the lower lip with an infected finger would transfer more than a third of these pathogens. Diseases caused by rota viruses and diarrhea caused by salmonella could easily be passed on in this way by unwashed hands. So to protect your health and the health of others you have to make washing your hand an every time routine, especially when you place your hand on areas that is frequently touched by others.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chocolate Is Good For Health

Chocolate has been observed to be good for your health, this is because chocolate contains COCOA POLYPHENOL which contribute to your good health, since it helps to inhibit arteriosclerosis and cancer. Additionally, chocolate is said to be effective in balancing your immune system and helping the body to recover from stress. High quality chocolate that uses plenty of cocoa beans and very little sugar and oil is the most effective in ensuring good health. However, it is important that you eat green and yellow vegetables and proteins containing the different kinds of polyphenol that the body needs to remain healthy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Most Common Blood-Borne Infection Dangerous To Health

Many people live with a bad health condition caused by a viral infection known as hepatitis C virus, this is the most common blood borne infection. This health condition is spread from person to person primarily by means of sexual contact or through infected blood. Intravenous drug user who share needles and people who engage in unprotected sex are most at risk of contracting the disease. The infection can also be spread by tattooist and acupuncturists who do not properly clean their equipment. People who have had a blood transfusion are also at risk. Every year, thousands of people receive liver transplants as a result of liver failure caused by the virus.
To protect your health from this deadly disease, you have to be careful with your sexual lifestyle, if you must have a tattoo or acupuncture you must make sure the equipments to be used are well sterilized or better still, use new ones that have not being used before, before you have a blood transfusion, be sure the blood is free from the virus. You have the right to your health

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Overuse Of Antibiotics Not Good For Your Health

Health officials has repeatedly warned against the over-use of antibiotic which has a lot of health implications or cause health problems. A survey of 10,000 people in nine states in the US revealed that 32 percent still believe antibiotic can cure a cold, 27 percent thinks taking antibiotics during a cold will prevent more serious illness, 48 percent expect a prescription for antibiotic if they see a doctor for cold symptoms. However, the misuse of antibiotic for symptoms like cold can pose a health danger, because for a fact, antibiotics does not work against viral infections, such as cold. They work only against bacterial infections. Overuse of antibiotics is considered to be a major cause of health problems like drug-resistant diseases. To avoid the health problem that might result from the misuse of antibiotic, you have to be aware of the message and find a way of sending the correct message across

Monday, July 26, 2010

Toxic Beauty Dangerous To The Health

Naturally we are made to appreciate beauty and for this reason, every one wants to look beautiful and attractive. In recent times many have gone to extreme length even at the expense of their health to ensure that they look beautiful, hence cosmetic procedure to enhance beauty is very common today. This involves injecting a health deadly toxin called botulin which eliminate facial wrinkles. This health toxin paralyzes selected facial muscles, which in few days lose their tone, causing wrinkles to flatten out. The treatment last for about four month and leave the patient with a more relax, youthful appearance. This youthful appearance however does not go without an after effect. Reports cautions that users lose their wrinkles, but they also lose their ability to raise their brows in surprise, to have a smile spread up to their eyes, and to frown. It is a matter of being prepared to put your health in danger and paralyze parts of your face for the beauty of youth. It your choice.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Walking for Health

Walking is a very important way to keep you healthy, in addition to helping you lose weight and relieve stress, walking help reduce blood pressure and your risk of suffering a heart attack. staying healthy requires your time commitment. if you are walking at a moderate pace, you need to work toward logging a total of 60 minutes a day in periods of at least 10 minutes each, brisk walking or biking for 30 to 60 minutes a day or jogging for 20 to 30 minute daily may also keep you healthy. it is recommended that you wear lightweight footwear that breathes and has flexible soles, good arch supports, cushioned insoles, and comfortable toe room to keep the feet safe during your exercise.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Are Sunscreens Completely Safe For Your Health?

There is the culture of people using sunscreens with the notion of being secure or protected from the sun. Research has shown that putting on high-factor sunscreens is in reality a false security and can put the health at risk of skin cancer. This is because when you spend longer time in the sun, you absorb more radiation which poses a problem to the health. It is observed that those using 30 sunscreen spend 25 percent more time in the sun than those using factor 10. The protective effect of sunscreen use against skin cancer particularly melanoma, has not been demonstrated in the general population, but there are compelling data that show a strong relationship between duration of recreational sun exposure and skin cancer. Health professionals are now warning against prolong exposure to the sun regardless of the level of protection a sunscreen gives. So the advice is "don't stop using sunscreen, but do remember you shouldn't use them so that you can sunbathe longer" as this may have an advance effect on your health

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is Your Hospital safe for your health?

The hospital is where people go to have their health checked. It is surprising to know that patients, who go to the hospital to keep their health in order, ends up having more than a 1 in 10 chance of picking up infections from the hospital. This ill-health condition, Hospital Acquired Infection(HAI), as it is called, requires extra treatment and a longer stay in the hospital. On average, infection acquired from the hospital take more days and cost more to be treated. For example a single episode of HAI can cost $2,200 per patient and an extra 11 days in the hospital if it is a bloodstream infection. Expecially worrisome are super-bug infections, which are increasingly resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. Those most vulnerable to HAI are the elderly, the very young, those who spend long period in the hospital, and those with underlying chronic conditions or chronic bronchitis.
So when next you want to take a bed in the hospital, remember to put your health into consideration. First make sure the hospital keeps a high level of hygiene, and environment is periodicaly disinfected. Socond you want to consider those you share the same hospital room with, if they have contagious deseases. If the hospital does not maintain a high level of hygine and patient with contagious disease are not isolated, then you should'nt be in such hospital because you will be puting your health in more danger.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Healthier Grilling

Undercooking meat has always been a concern in food safety as regard health, but in recent years, overcooking especially burning and charring meat, chicken and fish on the backyard grill is being linked to a more long-term health threat, this is because, when meat is cooked at high temperatures, carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are formed which of course is dangerous to health. You can avoid this health danger by using a simple marinade that includes an acidic component such as lemon juice, orange juice or vinegar, to make grilling safer. Consistent research has shown that marinated foods had 92% to 99% fewer HCAs than their non marinated counterparts, and it makes no difference how long they were marinated, as little as 40 minutes is enough.
Be conscious of your health and wellness by using marinade in cooking your meals, it will contribute to your healthy future.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Headaches From Painkillers

Headache is a state of ill-health that is common and can affect anyone. It is normal for those in this state of ill-heath to use painkiller to suppress this condition. Research show that those who take medication for headache three or more times a week may be suffering from a health condition known as Medication Misuse Headache(MMH). Which affect 1 in 50 persons, MMH is caused by simple remedies, such as aspirin, as well as by prescription painkiller. when the analgesic effect wears off, the medication can cause a headache that patient mistake for a normal headache or a migraine. The patient takes more of the painkiller, thus repeating the cycle. It is believed that any patient complaining of chronic daily headache should be assumed to have MMH. Although this condition has been recognized for some years, most family doctors are unfamiliar with this health condition and simply prescribe stronger painkillers, when all that is needed is for the patient to stop taking them. if you are experiencing this ill-health condition, the remedy is to stop taking the painkiller drugs and do a bit of resting.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cola A Danger To Health

The alarming rate of cola consumption is a cause for worry about health. It is researched that an average of 40 gallon (160Lt) of cola drinks per person per year is being consumed. More money is spent on cola drinks than on the ten most basic food put together. High consumption of these soft drinks is said by some to be one of the principal causes of health problem like malnutrition. Some of the cola ingredients can impede the absorption of calcium and iron. Other health problems that are also thought to be linked with cola consumption include a greater likelihood of kidney stone,cavities, obesity and hypertension as well as insomnia, gastric ulcers, and anxiety. It is vital that you put your health into consideration as you refresh yourself with that cola drink.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Protect The Health Of Your Children From The Dangers Of Tobacco

It is estimated that the health of 50 percent of the world's children is at risk of exposure to tobacco smoke, parent who smoke contribute to the deterioration of the health of their children. Ailment associated with passive smoking include asthma and other respiratory difficulties, sudden infant death syndrome, middle-ear diseases, and cancer. Research has shown that children of smoker suffer academically and have more behavioral problems. If both parent smoke their children are 70 percent more likely to experience health problems, and even one smoker in the family will increase the likelihood by 30 percent. Hence the need for health education for parents, to help them realise the danger their tobacco habit poses to the family and a ban on smoking in schools and other places frequented by children. Children also need this health education. They should be informed of the health implication of tobacco and should try as much as possible to keep themselves away from smoking areas.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Improve Your Health With Good Water

your body contains well over 90 percent of fluid, making water the most vital substance to life, your health can be in danger if there is 20 percent drop in body water. Water plays an important role to your health and well-being. It regulate your body temperature, carries nutrients and products to and from the organs through the bloodstream and body system. It also lubricates the joints and colon, helping prevent constipation. All this are put in place when the water taken is pure. Just as good water can regulate your body temperature, bad water can be a disaster to your health, hence the need to take good and pure water is of great important as water is a good carrier of microorganisms that can cause diseases. I recommend that you check the link below "IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH WITH GOOD WATER" this links gives you access to where you can find healthy pure water.
As an adult, you require two to three quarts of water daily. IT is also necessary to check your drinking of coffee, pop, or alcohol, these may actually increase the need for pure water because they contribute to dehydration. Thirst should not serve as a reminder to take water, because by the time you feel parched, you are likely already dehydrated. Drinking a glass every hour during the day will satisfy your water needs and give you good health.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Health Care Of The Tongue Care

The health care of the tongue is an issue many give little or no concern. The health care of the tongue is an important aspect that we should give considerable attention to, this is becuase, bacteria that hide on the back of your tongue can produce sulfur gases that cause bad breath, these bateria thrive in a dry, oxygen-free enviroment which is why they live in the crevices and pits away from the air we send down to the lungs. hence it is important that you brush and floss your tongue after meal to remove left over particles of food that help bacteria to thrive well thereby improving the health of the tongue. it is important though to note that only 25 percent of bacteria are eliminated by brushing, so to keep a complete healthy tongue, "tongue scraping" an ancient tradition in Europe is highly recommended, this is the single most important thing you can do to prevent bad breath. Using a plastic scraper is far better than a brush for keeping the tongue clean and pink. Do this and you will have a healthy tongue and no one will have to cease his breath while you are talking

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


You may not be able to protect your health from cold entirely, but there are precautions you can take to protect your health from cold. The following are among the most important ways you can protect your health. to the extent possible, avoid crowds, and try not to shake hands with people who obviously have cold. Refrain from rubbing your eyes and nose, and wash your hands frequently. Such precautions help because the hand ofter carry cold viruses to delicate eyes and nose membranes. Cold viruses on a surface or on the hands can remain active for several hours, and a person whose health has been affected by cold can be contagious for some time before and after symptoms are obvious. Other health precautions include eating balanced diet and being especially careful when around children, because they get between five and eight cold infection a year. Take these precautions and you will keep your health safe from cold.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dangers of Obesity

Dramatic increase in diabetes, heart diseases, and other diseases are forcast as a result of the epidemic of obesity sweeping Europe. This is a global crisis and urgent action is required now to prevent this silent epidemic of serious illness and spiraling health cost. we are facing a health disaster if we do not act. All European countries are involved, and in some areas between 40 and 50 percent of the population is affected. Obesity rate in some countries have risen from 8 to 20 for woman and from 6 to 17 percent for men. the reason given a sitting while working life-style and a richer diet, both linked to growing properity. the greatest cause for concern is the number of overweight chridren. If this is not well addressed, there are sign that a larger proportion of the next generation will become obese and overweight at an earlier age.
Therefore the need to keep healthy and prevent these deadly diseases that are health threatening. Make sure you do not do all work seating down, try to burn out excess fat by excising your body daily, and stay clear from diet rich with cholesterol, dont end up spending your hard earn money on food that put your health in danger.

Monday, July 12, 2010

About The Blog

Health many say is wealth. thevalue of health cannot be over emphazied. we can do anything we want only if we are healthy, the need to healthy should be a goal everypne should endeavor to attain.there are a lot of diseases that have been discovered and many yet to be discovered that plague lot of people today. if only we can play safe, as the popular saying goes "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN A CURE. A lot of this diseases can be prevented if we can put our life style in check. Living healthy is all about preventing all kind of diseases that can be as a result of what we take into our bodies or exposing ourselves to health dangers. The body is designed to work just like a perfect circle, once the process of this circle is arbitrary altered, health which is the physical well-being is automatically lost.
This webpage will on a regular basis keep you apprised on how you can live a healthy life, by informing you on a general world scene the different diseases that is rampant and how you can take step to prevent health dangers and live a healthy life.